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art channel by Nikolay Milovidov

The Guggenheim. New York, USA NY. USA Untitled. New York, USA Manhattan. New York, USA Walk. New York, USA Untitled. New York, USA The Brooklyn Bridge. New York, USA Venice. Gold Venice. Silver Vinice. Bronze Volcano Rano Kau. Easter Island, Chile Petroglyphs of Orongo and Motu Nui. Easter Island, Chile Sunset on Easter Island. Ahu Vai Uri. Chile Easter Island Wild Horses. Chile From the Cycle «Indian Beauty». Vashisht, India In the Fog. Rohtang Pass, India Between Heaven and Earth. Spituk Gompa, India Untitled. Diskit Gompa, India In the Kitchen. Diskit Gompa, India Untitled. Stakna Gompa, India Tibetan Children. Lamayuru Gompa, India Only Sky. Near Namgyal Tsemo Gompa, India Among the Mountains. Kashmir, India Kashmir Girl. India Yaks in Little Tibet. India Cappadocia. Turkey Banksy. Barcelona, Spain Exit. Paralimni, Cyprus Sagrada Família. Barcelona, Spain Jardin du Luxembourg. Paris, France Paris. France Versailles. France Boulevard des Capucines. Paramount Opéra. Paris, France Rome. Italy Florence. Italy Castello di Las Plassas. Sardinia, Italy Cagliari. Sardinia, Italy Rimini. Italy Lodge in the Alps. Grindelwald, Switzerland In the midst. Yuryev-Polsky, Russia Anapa. Russia Les fleurs bleues. Spasskoye-Lutovinovo, Russia From the series «Winter Perspectives». Abalak, Russia From the series «Winter Perspectives». Abalak, Russia From the series «Winter Perspectives». Abalak, Russia From the series «Winter Perspectives». Abalak, Russia From the series «Winter Perspectives». Abalak, Russia From the series «Winter Perspectives». Abalak, Russia From the series «Quiet Life». The village Zekhnova, Russia Ryazan. Russia Golgotha. Kostomarovo, Russia Alexei Khvostenko Lyudmila Gurchenko Vladimir Zhirinovsky Andrey Zvyagintsev Dima Bilan


Lost in Time. Easter Island. Exhibition of photographs in the building of the Russian Foreign Ministry.

Lost in Time. Easter Island


Nikolay Milovidov. Easter Island. М., 2015.

Nikolay Milovidov. Easter Island